This little boy of ours is always so happy! When I come in to get him out of his crib in the morning he flashes me a big smile and has started grabbing my hands. He smiles when I tell him how much I love him. When I tell him Daddy is home he gets a big smile on his face. I just can't get over how happy he is. I can definitely tell when he is tired because it is just about the only time he cries.
His shirt says "little man", but I can tell you he is getting to be a big boy. I am feeling it as I lift his carseat in and out of the car everyday and as I get him out of the bath everynight. Oh boy I am getting a workout!

He has started to reach for his toes!

Tonight Dane was staring at this snowman I had on the couch. I brought it over to him and he was very interested in it. He has been putting everything in his mouth and the snowman's carrot nose and scarf were no exception!

His daddy came in the room and asked what he was doing. Once again he flashed his daddy a big smile!

Tonight was Dave's night for a story and bedtime bottle. Max has started to hang out with Dave or I when we are holding Dane. He used to keep his distance and just kind of ignore him. If we don't watch he will start licking Dane's hands....problem with that is that Dane always has his hands in his mouth!

My guys reading a bedtime story!

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