- It started last Thursday evening with the Lake Forest Fire Department Christmas Party. Dane and I went with Dave for dinner and to hang out for a bit. It was so nice because the Fire Department recognized Dave for all of his hard work going through the Firefighter I and II classes (class every Tuesday and Thursday, plus two Saturdays a month, July through January). They gave us a gift certificate to a Bed and Breakfast Restaurant in Ste Genevieve. When it was about Dane's bedtime Dane and I headed home, Dave stayed to enjoy the party a little bit (or a LOT longer).
Dane and I before the Lake Forest Party
(I took him in some Christmas PJs just in case he fell asleep early)
We were so excited for Friday, December 18th at 3:00. That is when my Christmas vacation from school began. Dane and I both wore Christmas shirts that day and we were so excited and in such good moods that morning. 16 days off together we could hardly wait for 3:00 to come.
- Friday night Dave took Dane and I to dinner at Ruby Tuesdays to celebrate making it through the first semester of school. My class this year is quite challenging so it was definitely a celebration. I was nervous because it was our first time having to feed Dane babyfood in a restaurant. We are still a little messy with the process. He did great, even though the highchair strap did not tighten, it was so lose that Dave had to hold him still so he didn't slide out. We came home and ALL of us were in bed at 8:30.
- Saturday morning we were so happy! Dane and I got packed to head up to spend the weekend with Mama and Papa Rau. Dave had his big test for the Firefighter Class and it was to be a long, hard day. We got to St. Louis and Dane, Mama, and I headed to the mall. It was early and crowds weren't bad yet. Dane was in a good mood and seemed simply amazed by all of the people. Poor guy wants to look around and I am constantly covering him up so that no one will touch him or breath on him.....he gets the flu shot on January 22! We grabbed lunch before leaving the mall and were out of there by 1:00. It started to sleet a little bit and of course for the rest of my shopping I would have to take Dane in and out of the car at each store. I have a wonderful brother in law who absolutely adores Dane. Darnel is Dane's Godfather and takes his job very serious. When we are at church or out somewhere and Dave is not with us Darnel will always carry Dane's carseat, which is a definite blessing these days when he is growing more and more everyday. Darnel had just finished coaching Taylor's basketball game and he was taking Trey to Blockbuster to pick out a movie, then going home to relax. He graciously volunteered to have Dane hang out with them for the afternoon. It had started to get cold, dark, and nasty out so I was very happy to have Dane hanging out in a nice warm house being loved on by his uncle and cousins. Darnel even feed Dane sweet peas for dinner and changed an explosive diaper!
- Saturday evening my mom and I had just a bit more to finish up....we were looking for one certain thing. At 8:00 we feed Dane his nighttime bottle, put him in his PJs and loaded him in his carseat. Papa drove and mom and I jumped out to run into stores. Dane slept peacefully in the nice warm car while Papa drove us around. It was nice not to have to find a place to park and have to take Dane in and out. It was great service, we would walk out of the store and he would pull right up to the door and pick us up!
- Sunday Dane joined us for one of the Rau Family Christmas Traditions. We always go to a Christmas Concert or show. This year we heard about a program called "Drummer Boy" at a church in St. Louis. It was a free show and there were 9 performances. It started at 2:00 and we got there at 1:00. We were in the last row of the balcony of the auditorium that probably sat at least 1,000 people. There were also two overflow seating areas that had big screens set up. At 1:30 Amy took the kids to the bathroom and at that point they were turning people away at the door. I was a little disappointed we weren't going to a show at Savvis or the Fox and was wondering about this free concert. It was absolutely amazing. The Christmas songs were all done with percussion instruments and it gave you chills it was so good. Dane slept through the whole thing! We ended the weekend with dinner at Aunt Katie's apartment. It was a great weekend and really got me into the Christmas spirit!
- When I picked up Dane from the sitter last Friday I promised her that I would TRY not to spoil Dane too much over the break. I don't think she is really worried because when I walked in on Friday she was rocking him in the living room...he had been the only one there all day. Well Monday at 10:00 am we were still in our pjs, snuggled under blankets, had the Christmas tree lit up, and Dane was sleeping in my arms.
- Monday afternoon Dane was kind of cranky, which is unusual for him. He was chewing on everything and drooling like crazy. I think we should see a tooth soon. What a great Daddy he has! I had just been at Walmart and looked at Teething Tablets, something I have heard people rave about, and decided I didn't think we needed them. After Dane ate supper he was grouchy, then had trouble going to bed, which is also very unusual. At 9:00 Dave headed up to Festus Walmart and came home with Baby Orajel and Teething Tablets. Dane ended up sleeping through the night and we didn't need them last night, but I am sure we will eventually.
Think he might be teething?? This mirror is attached to his activity mat.
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