Three Months-What is Dane doing now?
*Wearing 0-3 month clothes. I need to start moving in the 3-6 month sleepers, his toes are getting awfully close to the ends.
*Switched from Huggies to Pampers. When we switched brands we bought size 2 diapers!
*Eats 6 oz, 5 times a day!
*Sleeps from 8:30 p.m., sometimes 8:00, until 6:00 am.
*Long morning nap has kind of faded. Usually has a short morning nap and a long midday nap with a little cat nap either before or after dinner.
*Still a VERY noisy sleeper
*Loves to play on activity mat or lay on a blanket and kick his legs and wave his arms.
*Loves his pack and play with the music and mobile
*Sits in his bumbo seat and eats dinner with Mommy and Daddy
*Smiles the biggest smile when he looks in the mirror and sees that adorable baby boy looking back at him
*Giggling and cooing like crazy...the best sound ever
*Enjoys tummy time and pushes up and looks around, tries to roll over, but not quite there
*Loves bath time
*Great car rider!
*Spent his first night away from us at Aunt Amy and Uncle Darnel's house
*Loves lights and music
*Loves the colors on the computer screen saver and the TV
Dane has made us so happy and brings us so much joy each day. We love him more everyday!
Oh how he has changed:
Leaving hospital, July 23, 2009
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