Saturday, October 17, 2009

Spending the Night with the Frost Family

Back in August when I looked over my school calendar I realized that I would have Parent-Teacher Conferences on a Thursday evening and Dave would have night class. When I mentioned this to my sister, Amy, she immediately said she would check her calendar and within minutes I got a text message saying that she would watch Dane for us.

So Wednesday evening I packed up my little boy for his night away. It was our first night without Dane. I said goodbye to him when I dropped him off at Sue's in the morning. School dismissed at 1:00 and conferences started at 1:30. As I walked back into the school after taking my kids to the bus I thought there was no way I would make it until Friday morning when I got to see Dane again. Dave picked Dane up from Sue's after work and met Amy at the church in Bloomsdale so she could take him back to Kirkwood for the night. It did help that Sue sent me a picture of Dane about 3:30 and then Dave sent me a picture of Dane after he picked him up from Sue's.

Since Amy is an amazing mother I was not worried about Dane at all.....I just missed him. I sent a couple of text messages, but tried not to bother Amy with phone calls. I knew he was in good hands.

Conferences were busy and soon it was 8:00 and many teachers were headed out for some stress relief. With Dave at class and Dane in Kirkwood I joined them. I tried to enjoy my time out and think about the fact that I would sleep uninterrupted and could sleep past 5:00 on Friday morning. I got home about 11:00 and since it was such a long day I fell right asleep. I did sleep past 5, but at 6:00 am my eyes popped open and I wanted to see my baby boy.

I was up and headed out the door by 7:15 am. When I got to Kirkwood the Frost Family was still thoroughly enjoying Dane. I was so happy to see my baby boy.

I asked how things went and Amy said, "Great." Dane slept all night in a pack and play for the first time so I was a little worried about how he would do. Amy said he got up once at 3:45, but went back to sleep in 10 minutes. Dane was then up at his usual 5:30 AM....I think that was the hardest part for Amy.

It is sometimes a fight to see who gets to cuddle with Dane....Aunt Amy or Trey?
Dane with the Frost Cousins. He got PLENTY of attention.

Thanks guys! I know Dane had fun and got plenty of lovin! I am sure he will enjoy many more sleepovers.

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